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January 19, 2007 / zanzi


that’s not all, of course that’s not all. it wouldn’t be halfway interesting if that were the case. didn’t you just see the superman angle coming in? and the power plant brings in the nuclear connection. so here we have the ‘alpha’ male, if you’ll excuse the bad pun.

nah, a bit far-fetched really, you’ll say, shaking your head sadly and ticking another name off the list of potential good reads. but wait, not just yet, because here we come to the essence of it all – who or what is ‘toffly’?

it could be the guy’s name, though it’s hardly the superhero type. more gooey, with a sticky consistency, sort of like toffee, eh? and where does that leave us with the dramatic snuffing out of the flame et al?

no, toffly, lady or gentleman, ‘for your reading pleasure’ (funny how people use that phrase. i could never bring myself to do it without wincing), is a state of being. it’s characterised by a feeling of ‘about-to-become’-ness, a striving towards being that which is your conception of an ideal self. that self, for the etymologically-oriented among us, is referred to as “toffles”.

so, usage-wise: “i’m feeling toffly”

or: “old toffles is at it again, giving me a toffly time”


you get the picture.

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